-10% In stock 400 to 499 W Lumatek - Zeus 465W PRO 2.9 - LED horticultural lighting Lumatek ZEUS-465W-PRO-2-9-LUMATEK 2 Reviews €719.10 €799.00 Promotions The ZEUS 465W PRO 2.9 multi-bar horticultural light from Lumatek is ideal for growing crops indoors. Its excellent performance will give you a return on investment and impressive results thanks to its very high PPF levels of 1353 µmol/s and a very high efficiency of 2.9 µmol/D. Indispensable for your indoor growing. Growing area: 1,2m x 1,2m - 1,4m² Add to cart
-10% In stock 400 to 499 W LED horticultural lighting - Grizzly 420 W 2.9 - Calitek Calitek GRIZZLY-420W-2-9-CALITEK 1 Reviews €350.91 €389.90 Promotions Introducing the Grizzly 420W from Calitek. Powerful, efficient LED lighting that will optimise the growth and flowering of your indoor plants. Offering the latest technology with a balanced, full spectrum of light, it's perfect for both novice and expert growers. The Grizzly 400W is suitable for crops measuring 100cm by 100cm. Available in... Add to cart
-20% In stock 400 to 499 W The OWL 480W - Full Spectrum horticultural LED panel - Stolasis Stolasis THE-OWL-480W-PANNEAU-LED-STOLASIS €319.99 €399.99 Promotions Discover The OWL 480W LED panel from Stolasis. This LED horticultural lamp is equipped with high-quality Samsung LM281B LEDs (660nm Red, 730nm Infrared and 400nm UltraViolet). This full-spectrum light is ideal for all stages of plant growth. The OWL 480W guarantees dynamic growth and high yields thanks to its luminous efficacy of 2.5 μmol/J and high... Add to cart
-25% In stock 400 to 499 W Sanlight - EVO 6-150 - 400W - LED horticultural lighting Sanlight EVO-6-150-400W-SANLIGHT €573.68 €764.90 Promotions Introducing high-tech, top-of-the-range lighting EVO 6-150 of 400W from Sanlight. The EVO series will give you the very best in growth and flowering. Its uniform lighting thanks to secondary protection and orientation optics will give you a better yield with regular development. With the EVO 6-150 model, you'll get a growing area of 150 cm x 150 cm with 6... Add to cart
-25% In stock 400 to 499 W Sanlight - EVO 6-120 - 400W - LED horticultural lighting Sanlight EVO-6-120-400W-SANLIGHT €554.25 €739.00 Promotions Introducing high-tech, top-of-the-range lighting EVO 6-120 of 400W from Sanlight. The EVO series will give you the very best in growth and flowering. Its uniform lighting thanks to secondary protection and orientation optics will give you a better yield with regular development. With the EVO 6-120 model, you'll get a growing area of 120 cm x 120 cm with 6... Add to cart
-10% In stock 400 to 499 W Led panel - Quantum bears 420 W - Calitek Calitek QUANTUM-BEARS-420W-CALITEK €526.41 €584.90 Promotions Introducing the Quantum Bears 420W from Calitek. Powerful, efficient LED lighting that will optimise the growth and flowering of your indoor plants. Offering the latest technology with a balanced, full spectrum, it's perfect for both novice and expert growers. The Quantum Bears 420W is suitable for crops measuring 100cm by 100cm. Available in 160W - 260W... Add to cart
-5% Out-of-Stock 400 to 499 W Sanlight - EVO 3 Set 100x100 - 400W - LED horticultural lighting Sanlight EVO3SET-100-400W-PANNEAU-SANLIGHT €845.41 €889.90 Promotions Introducing the Led EVO 4 Set panel from Sanlight. This pack is perfect for a lighting surface of 100 x 100 cm. The EVO range is the very best in horticultural lighting. It's a combination of the latest high technologies that will give you maximum flexibility, greater efficiency and a longer lifespan. View
-15% Out-of-Stock 400 to 499 W Led Panel Quantum Board 480W - Dimmable - Agrolight Led Agrolight QUANTUM-BOARD-450W-EPISTAR-DIMMABLE-AGROLIGHTLED €488.67 €574.90 Promotions Introducing the Quantum Board LED panel from Agrolight Led. This 480W full spectrum panel with dimmer is made up of Epistar 3030 LEDs arranged to offer the best performance: 640 3000K LEDs - 320 6500K LEDs - 60 Deep Red 660mm and 4 IR 730mm LEDs. View
-15% Ships within 10 to 15 days 400 to 499 W LED horticultural lighting TI 480W Full Spectrum Florastar Florastar LEDTI-480W-FLORASTAR €466.65 €549.00 Promotions Introducing the TI 480W panel from Florastar. Designed with the best electronic components available, this Full Spectrum panel will be perfect for growing and flowering your crops with a surface area of 120cm by 120cm. Its optimum output will be 40cm from the plant canopy. For a crop of 120cm by 120cm. Add to cart