In stock potting soils 20L bag of Light-Mix potting soil - Biobizz Biobizz LIGHT-MIX-20L-TERREAU-BIOBIZZ €4.90 Biobizz Light-Mix is available in 20-litre packs. Thanks to this potting soil, optimize the growth and development of your plants. Biobizz guarantees fast results while promoting the development and growth of your plants. Perfect for indoor growing. Available in 20 litre and 50 litre sizes Add to cart
In stock potting soils 20L bag of All-Mix potting soil - Biobizz Biobizz ALL-MIX-20L-TERREAU-BIOBIZZ €8.90 Biobizz All-Mix potting soil comes in 20-litre packs. With this complete potting soil, you'll have everything you need to optimise the growth and development of your plants. Biobizz guarantees fast results while promoting the development and growth of your plants. Perfect for indoor growing. Add to cart
In stock Growth fertilizer Organic growth fertilizer from 250ml to 5L - Bio-Grow - Biobizz Biobizz BIO-GROW-STIM-CROISS-BIOBIZZ €3.40 Introducing the Bio-Grow growth stimulator from Biobizz, thanks to this stimulator, boost the growth of your plants naturally. The sugar contained in the Bio-Grow will allow the formation of glucose, which will provide your plantation with an optimal food source and will allow your soil to be more fertile. Available in 4 sizes: 250ml, 500ml, 1L and 5L. Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Magnesium and calcium deficiency corrector from 250ml to 5L - Calmag - Biobizz Biobizz CALMAG-CORREC-CA-MG-BIOBIZZ €5.20 Introducing the Calmag fertilizer from Biobizz, it is a fertilizer that offers your crop during the growth and flowering phase a contribution of calcium and magnesium allowing a cell production and an optimal photosynthesis. Available in 4 sizes: 250ml, 500ml, 1L and 5L. Add to cart
In stock Flowering fertilizer Flowering fertilizer from 250ml to 5L - Bio-Bloom - Biobizz Biobizz BIO-BLOOM-STIM-FLO-BIOBIZZ €3.90 Bio-Bloom fertiliser from Biobizz is a complete liquid organic fertiliser for flowering, thanks to its low nitrogen content and its phosphorus and potassium content, it will guarantee you an abundant flowering and tasty fruits. Available in 4 sizes: 250ml, 500ml, 1L and 5L. Add to cart
In stock potting soils Ready-to-use Pro-Mix HP potting soil in 14L - Premier Tech TERREAU-PRO-MIX-14L-PREMIER-TECH €9.90 Discover Premier Tech's Pro-Mix HP MYCORHIZE + BACILLUS potting soil, a superior quality substrate designed to provide an optimal growing medium for seedlings and transplants. This substrate is composed of sphagnum peat moss, which is known for its ability to retain water, making it easier for your plants to drain and become stronger and more vigorous.... Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Bio-Down - pH regulator - Biobizz Biobizz BIO-DOWN-PH-REGULATEUR-BIOBIZZ €5.40 Introducing the Biobizz pH regulator. This pH regulator will give you the best results by optimising the nutrition of your crops. It will enable you to perfectly balance your pH naturally. With a stable pH at the right level, your crops will be vigorous and healthy. Important: 0.1ml of Bio Down lowers the pH by 0.5 points. Optimum pH between 6.2 and 6.5. Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Growth and flowering stimulator from 250ml to 1L - Acti-Vera - Biobizz Biobizz ACTI-VERA-STIM-CROISS-FLO-BIOBIZZ €7.80 Introducing the Acti-Vera fertilizer from Biobizz, it is a fertilizer that protects and strengthens the immune system of your crop while stimulating the metabolism of nutrients absorption which makes your plants healthier. Available in 3 packagings: 250ml, 500ml, and 1L. Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Flowering booster from 250ml to 1L - Top-Max - Biobizz Biobizz TOP-MAX-BOOST-FLO-BIOBIZZ €9.40 Top-Max fertiliser from Biobizz is a fertiliser containing ingredients that improve the absorption of nutrients and strengthen the flowering of your crop, increasing the size, weight and buds of your flowers. Available in 3 sizes: 250ml, 500ml, and 1L. Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Growth and flowering stimulator from 250ml to 1L - Alg-A-Mic - Biobizz Biobizz ALG-A-MIC-STIM-CROISS-FLO-BIOBIZZ €6.40 Alg-A-Mic fertilizer from Biobizz helps protect your plants from stress so that they produce larger fruit with thick, bright green foliage. Available in 3 pack sizes: 250ml, 500ml and 1L. Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Organic root stimulator from 250ml to 1L - Root-Juice -Mix - Biobizz Biobizz ROOT-JUICE-STIM-RACINE-BIOBIZZ €14.80 Introducing the Root-Juice root stimulator from Biobizz, thanks to this root stimulator your plants will be ready to absorb trace elements and nutrients present in your substrate. Available in 3 sizes: 250ml, 500ml and 1L. Add to cart
In stock Coconut fibers Coco-Mix potting soil bag 50L - Biobizz Biobizz COCO-MIX-50L-BIOBIZZ €13.40 Discover the Light-Mix potting soil from Biobizz, this potting soil exists in two capacities of 20 and 50 liters. Thanks to this potting soil, optimize the growth and development of your plants. Biobizz guarantees fast results while promoting the development and growth of your plants. Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Energy Stimulator from 250ml to 1L - Bio-Heaven - Biobizz Biobizz BIO-HEAVEN-STIM-ENERG-BIOBIZZ €21.40 Introducing the Bio-Heaven fertilizer from Biobizz brand, it is a fertilizer that improves the effects and the transfer of nutrients of all foliar sprayers and fertilizer mixtures, it stimulates the antioxidant system of the plant that allows it to eliminate toxins. Available in 2 packagings: 250ml and 500ml. Add to cart
In stock Growth fertilizer Growth and flowering fertilizer from 250ml to 1L - Fish-Mix - Biobizz Biobizz FISH-MIX-CROISS-FLO-BIOBIZZ €3.50 Biobizz Fish-Mix is a fertiliser for accelerating the growth of all organisms present in the soil thanks to its infusion of organic fish emulsion mixed with sugar beet extracts. It also stimulates the production of useful bacteria and micro-organisms in the soil and coco-based substrates. Available in 3 sizes: 250ml, 500ml, and 1L. Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Bio-Up - pH regulator 250 ml to 1L - Biobizz Biobizz BIO-UP-PH-REGULATEUR-BIOBIZZ €5.00 Biobizz's Bio Up pH corrector will correct your pH quickly and naturally, so that your crops can assimilate the nutrients you provide as effectively as possible. Formulated with organic amino acids, you can use it at any time during the growth of your crops. Bio Up is harmless to the microbial life of your soil and crops. Add to cart
In stock Fertilizer packs TryPack Indoor - Organic stimulator - Biobizz Biobizz TRYPACK-INDOOR-STIM-ORGANIQUE-BIOBIZZ €14.40 Introducing the TryPack Indoor fertiliser pack from Biobizz. Perfect for growing plants, flowers and vegetables. This 100% organic, easy-to-use pack contains Bio Grow, Top Max and Bio Bloom. Pack designed for a fertilisation programme of 1 to 4 plants. Add to cart
In stock potting soils 50L bag of All-Mix potting soil - Biobizz Biobizz ALL-MIX-50L-TERREAU-BIOBIZZ €15.00 Biobizz All-Mix potting soil comes in 50-litre bags. With this complete potting soil, you'll have everything you need to optimise the growth and development of your plants. Biobizz guarantees fast results while promoting the development and growth of your plants. Available in 25-litre and 50-litre sizes. Add to cart
In stock Fertilizer packs TryPack Outdoor - Organic stimulator - Biobizz Biobizz TRYPACK-OUTDOOR-STIM-ORGANIQUE-BIOBIZZ €14.40 Introducing the TryPack Outdoor fertiliser pack from Biobizz. Perfect for growing plants, flowers and vegetables. This 100% organic, easy-to-use pack contains Bio Fish Top Max and Bio Bloom. Pack designed for a fertilisation programme of 1 to 4 plants. Add to cart
In stock Flowering fertilizer Flowering fertilizer Flowa Bloom in 250mL - JuJu Royal Biobizz ENGRAIS-FLORAISON-250ML-FLOWA-BLOOM-BIOBIZZ €5.90 Biobizz's 250 ml Flowa Bloom flowering fertilizer is designed to provide your plants with all the nutrients they need for abundant, high-quality flowering. Thanks to Flowa Bloom, your buds will be more numerous and bursting with terpenes and aromas. Add to cart
In stock Growth fertilizer Growth fertilizer Grow Soldier in 250ml - JuJu Royal Biobizz ENGRAIS-CROISSANCE-250ML-GROW-SOLDIER-BIOBIZZ €5.90 Biobizz's Grow Soldier Growth Fertilizer, in 250 ml format, is specially designed to provide your plants with the essential nutrients they need for vigorous, healthy growth. Ideal for eco-responsible growers, this fertilizer is formulated from 100% organic ingredients, guaranteeing optimal plant development while respecting the environment. Size... Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Growth booster Green Mystic 250ml - JuJu Royal Biobizz Biobizz BOOSTER-CROISSANCE-250ML-GREEN-MYSTIC-BIOBIZZ €8.90 Biobizz's 250 ml Green Mystic Growth Booster is a powerful stimulator designed to optimize your plants' growth. It is compatible with all substrate mixes, media and growing methods. Available in 1 liter Add to cart
In stock Flowering fertilizer Bloom fertilizer Flowa Bloom in 1L - JuJu Royal Biobizz ENGRAIS-FLORAISON-1L-FLOWA-BLOOM-BIOBIZZ €15.90 Biobizz's 1-liter Flowa Bloom flowering fertilizer is designed to provide your plants with all the nutrients they need for abundant, high-quality flowering. Thanks to Flowa Bloom, your buds will be more numerous and bursting with terpenes and aromas. Available on our website in 250 ml format. Add to cart
In stock Stimulators and additives Growth booster Green Mystic in 1L - JuJu Royal Biobizz BOOSTER-CROISSANCE-1L-GREEN-MYSTIC-BIOBIZZ €23.90 Biobizz's 1 liter Green Mystic Growth Booster is a powerful stimulator designed to optimize your plants' growth. It is compatible with all substrate mixes, media and growing methods. Available in 250 ml Add to cart
In stock Insecticide product Leaf Coat 500ml spray - Biobizz Biobizz LEAFCOAT-PULVE-BIOBIZZ €11.50 Biobizz's Leaf Coat, available in a 500ml spray, is an environmentally-friendly, effective solution for protecting your plants' leaves against pests, diseases and adverse environmental conditions. This innovative natural latex-based formula creates a natural, self-degrading barrier on the surface of leaves, strengthening their resistance and promoting... Add to cart